Category Archives: Newsletter

Winter Newsletter 2020

Happy Winter Holidays to my Hug Bug friends! By Charlotte Diamond from “Diamonds and Dragons“ Hello, Winter, how are you today? I’m so glad that you have come my way. Hello, Winter, say, you’re looking fine, Won’t you have a cup of tea and join these friends of mine? With your icicles on bicycles, riding…

Fall Newsletter 2020

Dear Hug Bug Pals, Happy Fall and Happy Harvest Time! On the West Coast of Canada where I live in Sechelt, BC, the fall rains have started. It’s a Rainy Day, the sky is crying A Rainy Day, falling all around, It’s a Rainy Day, the sky is crying Teardrops making puddles on the ground….

Summer Newsletter 2020

Hello, Bonjour, Hola, Konichiwa, Aloha to all my Hug Bug Pals, Summer is here! I love kayaking in the ocean and watching for seals!   In Sechelt, we had a very cool, rainy Spring, but the gardens have loved the moisture. We do live in a rainforest! The flowering bushes like rhododendrons and azaleas were…

Spring Newsletter 2020

Hello, Bonjour, Hola to my Hug Bug Pals! Spring is awakening in my garden! The snowdrops and purple crocuses are popping their heads out of the ground and green buds are bursting in the Azalea bushes. Soon there will be colourful flowers everywhere!  It is time to explore outdoors to discover all the changes in…

Winter Newsletter 2019

Happy Winter Holidays to my Hug Bug friends! I love performing my Holiday Delight concerts and inviting everyone to sing along, dance and play bells and maracas with songs like: “Feliz Navidad”, “Silver Bells”, “Zulu Carol”, and “Bonjour l’hiver (Hello Winter)”. I also love to sing “I am a Pizza” (“Je suis une pizza”) and “I…

Fall Newsletter 2019

Happy Fall and Happy Harvest Time!   We had a very hot summer in Sechelt on the West Coast with lots of fun swimming, kayaking and paddle boarding.  I now have a lovely new grandson, Fraser Diamond, to sing to and play with. My son, Matt, who often performs with me, loves to sing to…

Spring Newsletter 2019

Hello, Bonjour, Hola to my Hug Bug Pals!   by Charlotte Diamond Hello, Springtime, how are you today? I’m so glad that you have come my way. Hello, Springtime, say, you’re looking fine, I’ll put on my rubber boots and we can have a time.In the mud puddles, splashing, making mud pies Looking for baby…

Winter Newsletter 2018

  Happy Winter Holidays to my Hug Bug friends! Winter is coming! We still have some rainy days and warmer weather on the Sunshine Coast, but the frosty, snowy days are on their way! I love Winter! J’aime l’hiver! My songs, “Bonjour l’hiver” and “Hello Winter” are part of my Holiday Delight Concerts. Singing brings us…

Fall Newsletter 2018

Dear Hug Bug Pals, Happy Fall and Happy Harvest Time! I love to walk in the crisp, fresh air of Fall!   Around the world, children are walking safely to school with their parents, family and friends. The Walk to School programs, which often begin in early October, are international and the idea started in…

Summer Newsletter 2018

Dear Hug Bug Pals, Hello! Bonjour! Hola! Konichiwa! Buon Giorno! I hope that you have been having a wonderful summer! Recently, I moved from Richmond, BC, Canada to Sechelt on the Sunshine Coast.  I now need to take a 40-minute ferry boat ride to visit Vancouver. I miss being close to my friends and family, but I am…