Dear Hug Bug Friends,
Hello, Hola, Bonjour! Happy Spring! Happy Earth Day!
I feel more alive in Spring, and I want to be outdoors as much as I can. Around us, everything is growing and changing so quickly. What do you like about Springtime?
Here is a song for Earth Day that you can sing everyday of the year.
![Earth, Water, Air & Fire [Image © / adhit.dhika]](
By Andy Ruszel SOCAN
When I go walking I like to see
The waves on the water, the flowers in the fields
My brothers and sisters, the friends on my street
Laughing and playing and singing so free.
Earth and water, air and fire
The worm digs deeper and the robin flies higher
We’re all part of one family
The sun and the earth and you and me
The sun and the earth and you and me.
Where does it come from the air we all breathe?
Where is it going the water in the stream?
Small is the seed and big is the tree
Hey, ain’t that little seed just a little like me.
Listen to this song on “Diamonds and Dragons”, “24 Carrot Diamond”,
or on “A World of Music with Charlotte Diamond”
Music Book with CD

Spring is full of surprises, new feelings, and new discoveries. When you go walking, notice all the colours that are popping out. Purple, Yellow, Blue, and Orange crocuses, White snowdrops and Pink cherry blossoms! What a kaleidoscope of colours!

Each of us is a Flower,
Growing in life’s garden,
Each of us is a Flower,
We need the Sun and Rain.
Let’s celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd! It’s a special day that reminds us to protect our Earth and do what we can to create a healthy environment for animals and all living things. You can help by planting wildflowers and leafy vegetables around your home, at school and in your community. Did you know that most fruits and vegetables that we eat have flowers and grow from seeds?
![Close-up of child wearing yellow rain boots and splashing in a puddle. [Image © Adobe Stock]](
April showers bring May flowers, and Rainy Days also make delightful Puddles for splashing and playing. Of course, you need a raincoat and your boots!
![Puddles [Image © -]](
by Charlotte Diamond
I’m ready for, you’re ready for, we’re ready for the puddles
I’ve got new boots… a raincoat, too…
I’ve got a hat… and it’s bright blue…
The sky is gray… raining cats and dogs…
And I’m ready for, you’re ready for, we’re ready for the puddles.
From “My Bear Gruff” and “24 Carrot Diamond”
Vocal Performance available for purchase as a song download on my website.

My new Picture Book, “Charlotte Diamond’s Animal Friends” has a great action and echo song about “Splishin’ and Splashin’” and swimming. Summer weather is on the way, and I hope that you like to swim, splash and play in the water as much as I do! I sometimes see seals when I kayak on the Sechelt Inlet. We can study how animals swim and move in water. Dogs paddle, otters slide, porpoises flip, and whales spout and breach. Have fun in the ocean, lakes and streams. Always be safe and take some lessons to become a strong and confident swimmer.
By Charlotte Diamond SOCAN 2000
As recorded on “Charlotte Diamond’s World” and “World of Music” Music Book and CD
Splishin’… Splashin’
Splishin’ and Splashin’ around in the water
I’m Splishin’… Splashin’
Jumping around making waves.
I can dive in the water …
Slide like an otter…
Flip like a porpoise, spout like a whale.
I can leap like a salmon…
Float like a seahorse …
Slap like a beaver and I don’t need a tail.
I can croak like a frog …
Hop off a log …
Dabble like a duck and glide like a swan.
I can bark like a seal …
Spark like an eel …
Meow like a catfish deep in the pond.

A Gift For You!
Free Song Download!
Until May 15, 2023, I’m offering my newsletter subscribers a FREE DOWNLOAD of “Splishin’ and Splashin”. CLICK HERE to go to the store, and then click on “Add to Cart”. At checkout, enter coupon code:
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After entering the coupon, you’ll see a credit in your shopping cart of $0.99 for the song purchase. Then proceed through checkout to get immediate access to your song download. (If you aren’t purchasing any other items, you won’t be asked to enter a credit card. We do need your name, address, and Email address though, to process the order.)
Did you miss out on the free song download? Click here to subscribe to the Hug Bug newsletter and you’ll be among the first to learn about our special offers!
Find Me on YouTube
Sing along with me on my YouTube Channel – Charlotte Diamond Official!
Until our next visit, Adios, mis amigos! Au revoir, mes amis! Goodbye, my Hug Bug Buddies!
Keep singing together and exploring Nature.
Take care of our Animal Friends and
Leave the World a Little Better
Write to me anytime and send your ideas to me by email or visit my Charlotte Diamond Fan Page on Facebook. I always write back!
To join the Hug Bug Club, please send your name and address to:
Charlotte Diamond
The Hug Bug Club
7045 Porpoise Drive
Sechelt, BC Canada
V7Z 0C8
or email