Dear Hug Bug Friends,
Hello Springtime, Bonjour le printemps, Hola Primavera!
I am so happy to see the signs of spring appearing and waking up the earth to new growth and new baby animals. In February, the snowdrops were already peeking out beneath the bushes in my garden, and the birds were starting to sing. Spring makes me want to sing, too! I love walking around my community and down the woodland trails. I often sing to the rhythm of my feet and say “Hello” to the friends that I meet. Here is one of my favourite walking songs.
![Earth, Water, Air & Fire [Image © / adhit.dhika]](
By Andy Ruszel SOCAN
When I go walking I like to see
The waves on the water, the flowers in the fields
My brothers and sisters, the friends on my street
Laughing and playing and singing so free.
Earth and water, air and fire
The worm digs deeper and the robin flies higher
We’re all part of one family
The sun and the earth and you and me
The sun and the earth and you and me.
Listen to this song on “Diamonds and Dragons”, “24 Carrot Diamond”,
or on “A World of Music with Charlotte Diamond”
Music Book with CD
This year has been exciting for me as my youngest grandson, Fraser, is now two and a half years old, and he loves to sing and go for walks in the forest. I am teaching ukulele, guitar and singing to my older grandsons, William and Jakob. They do not live close to me, so we connect by FaceTime. It will be so nice when I am able to travel and perform live shows again. In May, I have concerts on the Sunshine Coast and at the Surrey Civic Theatres – Surrey Sparks Stages, with Fred Penner and Rick Scott. Visit my Events Page for details.

May 17th is a special date as Orca Book Publishers is releasing my new Children’s Book throughout North America, “Charlotte Diamond’s Animal Friends – a Collection of Songs”. You can also watch my new YouTube video for more information!
I wrote my first children’s song, “Octopus (Slippery Fish)”, for my two sons, which led to a fascination with writing and recording songs about the amazing animals that share our world. My sons often helped me! My new book features beautiful illustrations (by Eunji Jung) with thirteen of my favourite animal songs, like, “Sasquatch”, “Dicky Dinosaur”, “Ottie the Otter”, “The Moose on the Loose”, and “Animals Have Personality”.
We learn to appreciate and care for others through caring for our pets and the animals around us.
They do have personalities just like us! We need to protect all forms of life on earth, so our animal friends will always be there with us. That includes spiders, slimy slugs and bugs!

Excerpt from “Charlotte Diamond’s Animal Friends – A Collection of Songs”
(Click on Image to View Larger Version)
“Animals Have Personality” is now available for purchase as a song download on my web site, both as a Vocal Performance or Band Track. It is also available in French (“Les animaux ont une personnalite”), on Nous sommes tous comme les fleurs, and in Spanish (“Los Animales Tienen Personalidad”), on Todo el Mundo Come Banana.
I hope that you will enjoy reading and singing my new book. Please share the news with your local Bookseller and Library. “Charlotte Diamond’s Animal Friends” can be preordered now at
Here is a link to my first review, Highly Recommended by CM Canadian Review of Materials.

A Gift For You!
Free Song Download!
Until April 10, 2022, I’m offering my newsletter subscribers a FREE DOWNLOAD of “Animals Have Personality”. CLICK HERE to go to the store, and then click on “Add to Cart”. At checkout, enter coupon code:
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After doing so, you’ll see a credit in your shopping cart of $0.99 for the song purchase. Then proceed through checkout to get immediate access to your song download. (If you aren’t purchasing any other items, you won’t be asked to enter a credit card. We do need your name, address, and Email address though, to process the order.)
Did you miss out on the free song download? Click here to subscribe to the Hug Bug newsletter and you’ll be among the first to learn about our special offers!

The Hug Bug is always ready to give you at least “Four Hugs a Day” That’s the minimum!
Keep singing and walking!
Adios, mis amigos, Au revoir, mes amis, Good bye, my Hug Bug Buddies.
Happy Easter and Happy Earth Day!
Visit my YouTube Channel – Charlotte Diamond Original to see your favourite songs.
I love to receive your letters, photos, and drawings. Write to me anytime and send your ideas to me by email or visit my Charlotte Diamond Fan Page on Facebook. I will always write back!

To join the Hug Bug Club, please send your name and address to our NEW mailing address:
Charlotte Diamond
The Hug Bug Club
7045 Porpoise Drive
Sechelt BC V7Z 0C8
or email