Dear Hug Bug Pals,
Happy Fall and Happy Harvest Time!
On the West Coast of Canada where I live in Sechelt, BC, the fall rains have started.
It’s a Rainy Day, the sky is crying
A Rainy Day, falling all around,
It’s a Rainy Day, the sky is crying
Teardrops making puddles on the ground.
It’s a windy day, the wind is whispering
A windy day, whispering through the trees,
It’s a windy day, the wind is whispering
Telling stories to the birds and the bees.
By Charlotte Diamond on “My Bear Gruff” and “24 Carrot Diamond”
In French, “Aujourd’hui, il pleut” on “Nous sommes tous comme les fleurs”
We can always jump in the Puddles! I don’t really mind the rain as we had a very hot, dry summer. It was fun swimming and kayaking. Unfortunately, in September, there were serious forest fires in the States of Washington, Oregon and California south of British Columbia. I felt so sorry for the families in those areas. Forest firefighters from Canada went south to help. It was very smoky here, but the heavy rains have helped to clear the air and put out the fires.

Charlotte and her friend plant a cherry tree
Our forests are so important to provide wood to build our homes, make paper and provide the habitat for all the wild animals, like deer, moose, bears, squirrels, birds, fish and wolves. I have just planted a small cherry tree at my cabin in Vernon on Okanagan Lake. A friend is watering the roots to help it get started growing. If the winter is not too frosty, it will start to grow taller in the spring. My favourite tree at my cabin is a maple tree with large leaves that turn a beautiful orange, red and yellow in fall. What kind of tree would you like to be? There are many kinds to choose from.
What kind of tree are you?
What kind of tree are you?
Many kinds, you can see,
Choose which one you’d like to be.
Trees, trees, trees, trees, trees.
Are you an apple tree,
With blossoms pink and white?
Shiny apples, red and green.
Can I take a bite?
Or are you a maple tree,
That grows across our land?
Coast to Coast, East to West,
Proudly you do stand.
Trees, trees, trees, trees, trees.
As recorded on Diamond in the Rough and in
Charlotte’s World of Music Music Book (available with CD).

My little grandson, Fraser, is now 16 months old and so much fun! He is walking, running, starting to talk with simple words like, bird, ball, boo, may-may for mommy and Nana for me! He is also signing for apple, please, thank you, bye-bye, milk, more and water. He loves the apples that I brought back from my trees in Vernon. Both my son, Matt and I love to sing to him and play guitar and ukulele. We have been recording new videos that you can see on my YouTube Channel- Charlotte Diamond Official.
Here is a new song, “Prickly Porcupine and Spiny Sea Urchin” written for those days when we feel prickly or lonely. We all need our friends and family to show us that they care. Listen and watch on my YouTube Channel!
By Charlotte Diamond SOCAN 2020
Sometimes I feel prick-a-ly, I want to be alone,
Don’t want to play or go outside, I’d rather stay at home.
For I’m a Prickly Porcupine, hiding in my den,
Don’t knock at my door, just stay away, ‘cause I won’t let you in.
Sea Urchin
Here’s a message in a bubble, for I am prickly, too,
My spines are sharp for my defense, and they might prickle you.
For, I’m a Spiny Sea Urchin, hiding at the bottom of the sea,
Behind a rock, feeling small, so, no one will notice me.
You know we are so much alike, and you sound just like me,
Although we are so far apart, on land and in the sea.
Sea Urchin
We cannot hug, we cannot snuggle, because we’re prick-a-ly,
But send me messages in a bubble
And float them down to me!
A Gift For You!
Free Song Download!
Until November 1, 2020, I’m offering my newsletter subscribers a FREE download of “Dragons and Dinosaurs”. CLICK HERE to go to the store, and then click on “Add to Cart”. [Not a newsletter subscriber yet? Click here to sign up now so you’ll be eligible for future offers!]
At checkout, enter the coupon code that you’ll find in the Hug Bug Club Email newsletter. After you enter the code, you’ll see a credit in your shopping cart of $0.99 for the song purchase. Then proceed through checkout to get immediate access to your song download. (If you aren’t purchasing any other items, you won’t be asked to enter a credit card. We do need your name, address, and Email address though, to process the order.)
I hope that you are having fun going to school again or learning online. A big “Thank You” to all your teachers! It may feel different this year as we are socially distanced from those we love. Washing your hands often and wearing a mask to protect yourself and others can keep us all safe and healthy. Here is a link to my song, “Wash Your Hands”. Make lots of bubbles!
My song, “The Walking School Bus” or “l’autobus scolaire pédestre” (in French), has some good tips on how to walk safely to school with your friends and a trusted adult.
Find out about the Walk to School programs in your area. You may want to start your own “Walk to School” group! Riding your bikes safely together is good way to travel to school.

The Walking School Bus
By Charlotte Diamond SOCAN 2004
From “Diamonds by the Sea” and “The Walking School Bus”
When I go to my school,
I like to walk and I’m no fool,
With my friends, I’m just fine.
Riding the Walking School Bus.
One of our parents comes along,
We whistle and talk or sing a song,
Who needs a car when it’s not too far?
Riding the Walking School Bus.
Visit my web site for full lyrics and more information about the Walking School Bus programs.
Halloween is Coming Soon!
It will soon be Halloween!!! What will you be this year? Maybe a Dragon, a Unicorn or a Stegosaurus like Dicky Dinosaur? Be creative and use your imagination.

There is an elephant stuck in my shoe
There is an anteater’s tail in the closet
There is a shark and he’s looking for you!CHORUS
‘Round and ‘round, my mind goes ‘round and ‘round
‘Round and ‘round and upside down
Spinning ‘round and ‘round.As recorded on “Diamonds and Dragons”.
Available now on iTunes
I have my Dracula cape and my binoculars ready to go “Looking for Dracula” – watch along on YouTube!
![Looking for Dracula [Image © mickallnice / indomercy -]](
Visit my YouTube Channel – Charlotte Diamond Official.
I love to receive your letters and drawings. Write to me anytime and send your ideas to me by email or visit my Charlotte Diamond Fan Page on Facebook. I always write back!

To join the Hug Bug Club,
please send your name and address to:
Charlotte Diamond
The Hug Bug Club
7045 Porpoise Drive
Sechelt BC V7Z 0C8
or email