Category Archives: Newsletter

Fall 2008 Newsletter

The Hug Bug Club FALL 2008   I hope that you had a great summer! I always enjoy swimming and bird watching. Listen to the different birds singing in your back yard or when you go camping and walking in the woods. Two great songbirds are the chickadees and sparrows. Do you know my song,…

Spring 2008 Newsletter

I hope that you are having a wonderful spring. I love seeing Nature wake up and start growing again. It is quite magical seeing the leaves popping out of the ground and the flowers bursting into bloom. I have daffodils, crocuses and tulips in my garden. What spring flowers to you see around your home?…

Winter 2007 Newsletter

Snow has fallen on the mountains around Vancouver and the ski hills have opened. Winter and the Holidays are on their way. It’s time to get outside in the cool crisp air and celebrate this season! Hello Winter, how are you today? I’m so glad that you have come my way. Hello Winter, say, you’re…

Summer 2007 Newsletter

Summer has arrived in the Hug Bug Club. It is time to plant our gardens with delicious vegetables like carrots, peas and lettuce and colourful flowers like marigolds and daisies. Sing “The Garden Song” as you plant your seeds, pull the weeds and chase Slimy the Slug! Listen to a sample of “The Garden Song”…

Fall 2007 Newsletter

I hope that you had fun this summer! I have just written a new song, which I hope to record next year, called, “Valentine, Springtime, Forest, Sky and Pumpkin” about my Hug Bugs. There are five different colours and each one of them has a different personality, but they all love to give hugs! Let’s…