Happy Winter and Joyful Holidays to all my Hug Bug friends!
It has been a busy and interesting year! Finally, I was able to perform some “Live” Concerts for families and Workshops for teachers.
New Book!
My new Picture Book, “Charlotte Diamond’s Animal Friends”, was published in May in Canada and the United States. It has delightful illustrations by Eunji Jung for 13 of my best-known Animal songs, like, “Octopus (Slippery Fish)”, “Dicky Dinosaur”, ”Sasquatch”, “Ottie the Otter”, and “My Bear Gruff”.

My books are available through Orca Book Publishers and Amazon. The songs are on my website and online as downloads. Curl up with a blanket and a cup of cocoa to Sing and Read Together! Let me know how you are enjoying my new book.

Snow on Fluffy Bushes 2022
Hello Winter / Bonjour l’hiver!
We had our first heavy snowfall of the year this week. It was a Winter Wonderland, with cedar trees decorated with pillows of fluffy snow. Usually, on the West Coast, our snow turns to rain and slush, but this year, the weather is much colder, and the snow is lasting.

Snow on Charlotte’s Deck 2022
Time for warm hugs! I have several stuffies that are very huggable, like My Bear Gruff! He is a big Grizzly Bear.

(By Charlotte Diamond as recorded on the CD “My Bear Gruff”
and “Charlotte Diamond’s Animal Friends” Picture Book)
Write some new verses for your stuffies or your pets!
It is important that we love and appreciate others for who they are.
Love me for who I am, not what you want me to be.”
From “10 Carrot Diamond”, “Be Safe” and “World of Music” Music Book
Hug Your Stuffies!
We all need at least “Four Hugs a Day -That’s the Minimum!” You can hug your stuffies when you have a cold or wear a mask. “Hugs with No Bugs!”
![Child Hugging Teddy Bear [Image © Adobe Stock / Hero Images]](https://charlottediamond.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Child-Hugging-Teddy-Bear-AdobeStock_315997002.jpg)
Child Hugging Teddy Bear [Image © Adobe Stock / Hero Images]
It’s Holiday Time!
Now! Dust off your maracas, shakers, and sleigh bells; and let’s celebrate the Holidays with songs like, “Feliz Navidad”, “Silver Bells”, “Zulu Carol”, “Bonjour l’hiver” (Hello Winter)”and “Petit Papa Noël”!
I like to collect old keys and put them on a shower curtain ring to make sleigh bells. When you jingle them, they sound like snowflakes falling!
![Keys on a Key Ring with Heart [Image © Adobe Stock / Yana]](https://charlottediamond.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Keys-on-a-Ring-AdobeStock_322844972-197x150.png)
“Feliz Navidad” in Spanish means “Merry Christmas, Prosperous New Year and Happiness!”

Words and Music by Jose Feliciano
© BMG Music
As recorded by Charlotte Diamond on the CD, “The Christmas Gift”
Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad,
Feliz Navidad, Prospero Ano y Felicidad.
Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad,
Feliz Navidad, Prospero Ano y Felicidad.
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas,
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas,
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas,
From the bottom of my heart.
Now available as an MP3 song download on my website
in both Vocal and Band Track versions.
Visit Charlotte Diamond Official. YouTube Channel to see my new videos. You will find good ideas and songs for Holiday Fun!
![Blue Snowflake [Image © Adobe Stock / Stockgiu]](https://charlottediamond.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Snowflake-AdobeStock_473233864-300x300.png)
For example, “I am a Pizza” can become:
“I am a Snowflake… floating down…Swirling and twirling… to the ground.” or
“I am a chickadee…Tweet, Tweet, Tweet…Can you give me… seeds to eat…”
![Snowman with Presents [Image © Adobe Stock / Rawf8]](https://charlottediamond.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Snowman-with-Presents-AdobeStock_229451173.png)
A Gift for Newsletter Subscribers!
Free Song Download!
Until December 25, 2022 I’m offering my Newsletter subscribers only a free download of “My Bear Gruff”. Click here to go to the product page in my store, and then click on “Add to Cart”. At checkout, enter the coupon code that you’ll find in the Hug Bug Club Email newsletter. [Not subscribed to my Newsletter yet? Click here to sign up now so you’ll be eligible for future offers!]
After entering the coupon code, you’ll see a credit in your shopping cart of $0.99 for the song purchase. Then just proceed through checkout to get immediate access to your song download!
(If you aren’t purchasing any other items, you won’t be asked to enter a credit card. We do need your name, address, and Email address though, to process the order and give you access to the download file.)
![Snow Family [Image © Folk Art Treasures. Used with Permission.]](https://charlottediamond.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/jbsnowfamily1-446x300.png)
Remember to reach out to help others in need in your communities. I am helping my local Food Bank so more families can have a Healthy and Happy Holiday.
![Leave the World a Little Better - Boy and Girl Hugging Earth [Image © Freepik]](https://charlottediamond.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/LeaveTheWorld-SongTitle.png)
Leave the world just a little bit better,
A little better than it was.
Leave the world just a little bit better,
A little better than you found it,
When the sun came up.
From Charlotte Diamond’s World, 24 Carrot Diamond
and “A World of Music” Music Book
Be kind to nature and all our Animal Friends.
![Winter Animal Friends [Image c Freekpik - pikisuperstar]](https://charlottediamond.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/WinterAnimalFriends.png)
Sending Four Big Hugs and Good Wishes
to You and Your Family for a
Happy Holiday and a Peaceful New Year 2023!
Write to me anytime and send your ideas to me by email or visit my Charlotte Diamond Fan Page on Facebook. I always write back!
To join the Hug Bug Club, please send your name and address to our NEW mailing address:
Charlotte Diamond
The Hug Bug Club
7045 Porpoise Drive
Sechelt, BC Canada
V7Z 0C8
or email fanmail@charlottediamond.com