Happy Holidays to my Hug Bug friends!
Winter is my favourite season! I love the frosty, crisp days with snow draped on the mountains around Vancouver. Nature is preparing for the quiet time of year… a time to read and reflect on the past months. It is also a time for singing, jingling sleigh bells, sharing stories and eating delicious holiday foods, like homemade cookies! (Sherry’s Cookies)
I have had lots of concerts and tours this year, performing songs from my new CD, “24 Carrot Diamond – The Best of Charlotte Diamond”. Perhaps you can sing some of my favourite songs, “Four Hugs a Day”, “Hug Bug”, “Dicky Dinosaur”, “The Laundry”, “I am a Pizza (Je suis une pizza)” and “Each of us is a Flower”.
Maybe …this year we will have snow in our town! “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” always brings back memories of building snow “mamas and papas” with my boys in our front yard.
Hello, Winter, how are you today?
I’m so glad that you have come my way.
Hello, Winter, say, you’re looking fine,
Won’t you have a cup of tea and join these friends of mine?
With your icicles on bicycles, riding in the snow,
Snowflakes falling, tickling my nose,
Sleigh rides; let’s go skating ‘round and ‘round,
I’m so glad that you have come to visit in our town.
“Hello Winter” from “Diamond’s and Dragons”

My shows in December include songs for the Holidays from around the world, like “Feliz Navidad”, “Zulu Carol”, “S’vivon – Little Dreydl Spin” and “Petit Papa Noël”. Here is the French version of “Hello Winter” – Bonjour l’hiver.
Bonjour l’hiver, Eh, comment ça va?
Je suis content que tu sois avec moi.
Bonjour l’hiver, tu te portes bien,
Reste un peu avec nous autres,
Chantons un refrain.
Ah, tes glaçons brillants, suspendus au toit,
Tes flocons de neige qui dansent autour de moi.
Allons patiner et glisser en traineau,
Je suis content quand tu arrives
Dans notre petit hameau.
From the CD, Bonjour l’hiver

I often write songs when I am outdoors. One day, as I was skiing on Silver Star Mountain near Vernon, BC, I wrote this song, The Mountains. It is an echo song and easy to learn. Singing helps us to move with rhythm. Whether you ski, snowboard, toboggan, skate or snow shoe, being outdoors in the fresh winter air feels great. Sing as you go sliding down the hills.

I’m ready for, you’re ready for, we’re ready for… the Mountains!
I’ve got new boots… and new skis, too…
I’ve got a tuque (hat)…and its bright blue…
The sky is gray… and it looks like snow…
I’m ready for, you’re ready for, we’re ready for the Mountains!
I don’t care… if it snows all day…
I can’t wait… to go out and play…
Slipping and sliding… my cares away…
I’m ready for, you’re ready for, we’re ready for the Mountains!
You can download this song on my website!
The squirrels have been busy all day eating seeds that we put in a bird feeder. It is quite a contest between the Jay birds and the squirrels as to who is the boss! I hope that you put food outside for the birds around your home in winter. Roll a pine cone in peanut butter, then roll it in wild bird seed and hang your cone on a tree. Then you can watch the birds enjoy your seed treat throughout the winter. When the weather is cold, they need energy to keep warm. Even you need more food in winter to keep warm! This song, “The Giving Tree” tells the story of a family decorating a tree with food for the birds.

The Giving Tree
We went to the woods at holiday time,
We went to the woods to find a small tree,
With baskets of presents for all the birds,
My big sister, my brother and me.
Living Tree, Oh, Giving Tree
With sparrows small and blue jays bold.
Living tree, Oh, Giving Tree
For all the birds in winter’s cold.
Our baskets were filled with raisins and seeds,
Garlands of cranberries, ripe for our tree,
We knew that the birds would be banqueting soon,
My big brother my sister and me.
From the CD, The Christmas Gift

Please share the joy of the Holidays with children and families in need. Donating food, warm clothes and toys brings happiness and kindness to our communities and helps to Leave the World a Little Better.
Special “Hugs and Wishes” to you and your family for a Happy Holiday and a Peaceful New Year 2013!
I love to receive your letters and pictures by email, regular mail or Facebook. I will always write back.
Remember to give “Four Hugs a Day” and “Leave the World a Little Better” with music!

P.S. Write to me often! I love to receive your pictures and letters!
To join the Hug Bug Club,
please send your name and address
to our NEW mailing address:
Charlotte Diamond
The Hug Bug Club
6251 Chatsworth Rd.
Richmond, BC V7C 3S4
or email fanmail@charlottediamond.com