Three Books a Day (Vocal) Song Download


Song download in MP3 format. Did you know that if someone reads to us at least “Three Books a Day” when we are young, we will grow up to love books and enjoy reading on our own? I wrote this song, “Three Books a Day” to the tune of “Four Hugs a Day.”

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Did you know that if someone reads to us at least “Three Books a Day” when we are young, we will grow up to love books and enjoy reading on our own? My mom used to read to my sister and me beside the fireplace. It was always toasty and warm. Her voice would take us into the world of imagination. I wrote this song, “Three Books a Day” to the tune of “Four Hugs a Day.”

This is a song download in MP3 format. Once we have confirmed your payment, you will be sent an Email with a link to a zipfile which contains the song download and a PDF file with the printed lyrics.

  • Three Books a Day – Vocal
    Play Clip: MP3


“Family performer, Charlotte Diamond, takes young listeners around the globe and into their own imaginations.”

The San Diego Union Tribune, CA, USA

Three Books a Day
© Charlotte Diamond Music SOCAN 2004

Nobody reads enough books a day,
‘Cause the minimum number is three,
We can read everywhere, on the floor, in a chair,
On a bus; there are stories to read.


Three books a day, that’s the minimum.
Three books a day, not the maximum.
Three books a day, that’s the minimum.
Three books a day, not the maximum.