Latest news! I have a new Children’s Board Book, “Slippery Fish in Hawai’i” that I am sure your family and friends will enjoy. It is published in Hawai’i and we are offering it on my website. Almost every preschooler in Canada, the USA and throughout the world can sing the song, “Slippery Fish” (also known as “Octopus”). Now you can take it home in book form with colourful illustrations that highlight Hawai’i’s incandescent, vibrant underwater world.

I love Fall and now it is “Harvest Time” in Hug Bug Land! We had a wonderful summer, filled with sunny days and lots of fun in the water. I went swimming, hiking and had fun planting and spending time with my family in the garden. This was the best year for growing flowers. Looking at a flower carefully can be very interesting. Count the petals and yellow stamens. Find the different colours within each blossom. We are just like flowers; we grow and change, becoming more beautiful through every season.
Each of us is a Flower, growing in life’s garden,
Each of us is a Flower, we need the sun and rain.
Sun, shine your warmth on me; Moon, cool me with your night,
Wind, bring the gentle rain; Earth, take my roots down deep.
From the CD’s “10 Carrot Diamond“
and”24 Carrot Diamond“
Our weather in Vancouver has been sunny this autumn and not very cold. There are still lots of beautiful flowers in my garden and the leaves have not as yet fallen from the trees. But this will change as nature gets ready for winter. The squirrels are very busy collecting nuts from our hazelnut tree. They hide them all over the yard and then forget where they are! But most of their stashes will be in their nest or drey, where they will sleep and hibernate when it is too cold to search for food.

Dragons and Dinosaurs
1. There is a dinosaur under my pillow
There is an elephant stuck in my shoe;
There is an anteater’s tail in the closet
There is a shark and he’s looking for you!
‘Round and ‘round, my mind goes ‘round and ‘round
‘Round and ‘round and upside down
Spinning ‘round and ‘round.
2. I used to think that I was just crazy
I used to think that something was wrong;
One day my Dad said, “Draw me a picture”
I took the pencil, it didn’t take long.
3. Dragons and dinosaurs poured off my pencil
Leaping and crawling all over the page;
Unicorns, butterflies, giants and castles
These were the players on my paper stage.
From the CD, “Diamonds and Dragons“

Here is a “Slippery Fish – Octopus” Cake that a parent made for her son’s birthday. Great imagination!
Have a wonderful fall! Enjoy eating a rainbow of fresh veggies and fruits and use your imagination everyday!
Write to me on Facebook or by email. I love to receive your pictures and letters!

To join the Hug Bug Club,
please send your name and address
to our NEW mailing address:
Charlotte Diamond
The Hug Bug Club
6251 Chatsworth Rd.
Richmond, BC V7C 3S4
or email