Hug Bug Club - Fall [Image © katerina_dav -]

Fall 2007 Newsletter

I hope that you had fun this summer! I have just written a new song, which I hope to record next year, called, “Valentine, Springtime, Forest, Sky and Pumpkin” about my Hug Bugs. There are five different colours and each one of them has a different personality, but they all love to give hugs! Let’s sing the Hug Bug song?

Listen to a sample of “The Hug Bug”


The Hug Bug, the Hug Bug,
The Hug Bug, never know where it’s hiding,
It’s the Hug Bug, the Hug Bug;
Watch out it’s gonna hug you!

If you’re in a growly mood,
Sitting alone on your bed,
The Hug Bug will sneak up from behind
And hug you right on your head!

Recorded on “Diamond in the Rough”

Here is part my new song with verses about
the latest Hug Bugs, Pumpkin (orange) and Sky (blue).


Valentine, Springtime, Forest and Sky,
Pumpkin, too, comes rolling by,
Bringing you hugs and bringing you fun,
The Hug Bugs are coming to everyone!

Sky likes watching the clouds drift by,
Making animals in the sky,
She likes to draw and stories she’ll spin,
Watching the clouds dance with the wind.

Pumpkin is rolly, polly and round;
He likes to joke and jump around,
He is orange, a colourful sight,
Like a Jack-o-Lantern on Halloween night.



Draw your favourite Hug Bug (or draw them all!) and send them to me. Valentine is red, Springtime is purple, Forest is green, Sky is blue and Pumpkin is orange. I will write back to you!

Click here to see colouring pages!

Fall is in the air! The leaves are changing to autumn colours and the nights are cool and crisp. Fall means getting back to school and starting new projects and activities. I hope that you are getting lots of exercise and walking, like, “The Walking School Bus!”



When I go to my school,
I like to walk and I’m no fool,
With my friends, I’m just fine.
Riding the Walking School Bus.

One of our parents comes along,
We whistle and talk or sing a song,
Who needs a car when it’s not too far?
Riding the Walking School Bus.

Two by two we cross the street,
Look left and right, then pick up our feet,
We don’t run, we stay together,
Walking to school in all kinds of weather.

Rain? Sure!
Snow? Of course!
Windy? Fine!
How about sunshine?
Walking in sunshine!

Listen to a sample of “The Walking School Bus”



October 1-5, 2007 is International “Walk to School Week”
Wednesday, October 3rd is International “Walk to School Day”
Maybe you can organize a “Walking School Bus” at your school.

For more information, please visit the following web sites. (Links will open in a new browser window.)

British Columbia: or


Rest of Canada:



Good Luck in school and get lots of exercise by walking and riding your bike safely. Explore Nature! Write to me often, I love to receive your pictures and letters!

P.S. Write to me often! I love to receive your pictures and letters!

To join the Hug Bug Club,
please send your name and address
to our NEW mailing address:

Charlotte Diamond
The Hug Bug Club
5005 Vista View Crescent
Nanaimo, BC V9V 1L6

or email