Walking School Bus – MP3, Lyrics and More

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The Walking School Bus
by Charlotte Diamond
© Charlotte Diamond Music 2004, SOCAN
When I go to my school,
I like to walk and I’m no fool,
With my friends, I’m just fine.
Riding the Walking School Bus.
One of our parents comes along,
We whistle and talk or sing a song,
Who needs a car when it’s not too far?
Riding the Walking School Bus.
Two by two we cross the street,
Look left and right, then pick up our feet,
We don’t run, we stay together,
Walking to school in all kinds of weather.
Rain? Sure!
Snow? Of course!
Windy? Fine!
How about sunshine? Walking in sunshine!
I like walking in fresh air.
With my friends, I haven’t a care.
Looking for birds, bugs and bears!
Riding the Walking School Bus.
On the way back home, we’ve stories to tell.
What’s new at school, which words we can spell?
One by one we say, “Good bye,”
Riding the Walking School Bus.
When I go to my school,
I like to walk and I’m no fool,
With my friends, I’m just fine.
Riding the Walking School Bus.
Vroom, Vroom … Beep, Beep, Beep!
Who needs a car when it’s not too far?
Vroom, Vroom … Beep, Beep, Beep!
Riding the Walking School Bus.
The History of The Walking School Bus
The Walking School Bus originated in Brisbane, Australia in the early 1990s as one way to reduce school traffic problems. Since then, it has been used in many communities around the world.
There are many variations. For example, in Great Britain, the Walking School Bus is called the ‘Crocodile.’ You can add “riding the crocodile” to my song and it sounds great!
The concept is simple. Parents act as bus drivers. They wear a brightly coloured vest or hat and walk a safe route to or from the school, picking up children along the way. Many schools have constructed an actual bus with a covered wagon that can carry the children’s packs as they walk.
October is “Walk to School” month!
For more information, please visit the following web sites. (Links will open in a new browser window.)
British Columbia: www.dashbc.org or www.hastebc.org
Ontario: www.saferoutestoschool.ca
Rest of Canada: www.iwalktoschool.org/whoswalking/canada.cfm
USA: www.walktoschool.org
Internationally: www.iwalktoschool.org